In the pursuit of a fuller and more successful life, we often overlook the importance of our mornings. However, morning routines can be the key to unlocking our potential and improving our overall well-being. In this article, we will explore why establishing a solid morning routine is crucial for your success and happiness, and how you can begin building your own.
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tu vida desde todas las dimensiones

Face Yoga: Naturally Rejuvenate and Tone Your Face
In today’s modern world, where the pursuit of beauty and well-being is constant, face yoga has emerged as a revolutionary trend for naturally rejuvenating and toning the face. This holistic approach to skincare not only promises visible results but also aligns with the philosophy of caring for both the body and the mind.
Secrets to Radiant Hair Health
Our hair is an essential part of our identity and self-expression, but as the years pass, it too undergoes the aging process
Summer Skincare
Summer is a time of year when we enjoy the sun, the beach, and outdoor activities. However, prolonged sun exposure and heat can have adverse effects on our skin, such as dehydration, premature aging, and damage caused by free radicals. To protect our skin during this season, it is essential to adopt a proper skincare routine that includes hydration, antioxidants, vitamins, and essential minerals. In this article, we will provide you with tips to maintain radiant and healthy skin during the summer.
Child Nutrition
Proper nutrition in childhood is fundamental for the growth, development, and well-being of our little ones. A healthy lifestyle, supported by a balanced diet, provides our children with the essential nutrients they need to thrive and reach their full potential. Today, we want to discuss the importance of adequate nutrition in this crucial stage, backed by renowned scientific studies. Join us on this journey towards a healthier life for our children!
Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet and Fasting
The ketogenic diet began to be studied over 100 years ago in the treatment of epilepsy in pediatric patients, proving to be effective in reducing the frequency of epileptic seizures. Years later, a cardiologist named Dr. Atkins implemented it in patients who wanted to lose weight and improve their cardiovascular health.
What is the best time to take supplements?
Taking supplements at the “wrong” time doesn’t mean they won’t work, but there are certain key moments when you should take various minerals and vitamins for optimal effect. The “right” timing can aid in terms of bioavailability, and there are optimal moments when the body will process and absorb supplements more effectively.
Conscious breathing
Breathing is one of the most basic actions we do automatically, yet the way we carry out our breathing and its rhythm can significantly influence our health, well-being, and emotional state. Here we explain how breathing properly can help increase your energy, relax, and even aid in weight loss.
Sugar ages you
One of the commitments Living Better has made is to raise awareness about the harmful effects of sugar on our bodies, which is why we want to share how sugar ages us. Read carefully.